
Dr sc. (PhD) Sebastian Schwindt (he/him) is a researcher focusing on hydraulic systems and morphodynamics at the University of Stuttgart (visit his institutional profile). He leads the hydro-morphodynamics group at the Institute for Modelling Hydraulic and Environmental Systems (IWS). His research embraces numerical analyses with data-driven techniques, four-dimensional connectivity, and ecohydraulics for river restoration.
He completed his Bachelor's (2010) and Master's (2012) studies in Environmental Engineering at the Technical University of Munich (Germany). After a detour into the private hydropower sector, Sebastian accomplished his doctorate in Civil Engineering at the Ecole Polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL, Switzerland) from 2013 to 2017 under the supervision of Prof. Anton J. Schleiss and Prof. Mário Franca. His PhD thesis entitled Hydro-morphological processes through permeable sediment traps at mountain rivers provides new insights into fluid-sediment-structure interactions and flood risk mitigation with minimmized longitudinal connectivity interruptions (download at epfl.ch).
Later, Sebastian pursued postdoctoral research at the University of California, Davis (USA), with Prof. Greg Pasternack. The emphasis of his postdoctoral research was on the lateral connectivity and ecohydraulic enhancement of the Yuba River (California, USA) based on remote sensing (lidar) imagery and numerical models. Find the full scientific record at ORCID.org.

Sebastian offers classes, workshops, and courses covering the following topics:
- Basic and advanced Python programming (including collaborative code design and documentation) for water resources engineering, research, and (geospatial) data analysis
- Geospatial data processing with QGIS and Python
- Numerical modeling, sediment transport, and morphodynamics for hydraulic engineering
- Integrated flood protection management, river restoration, and river engineering
Sebastian also offers tutorials, supplemental materials, and practice-oriented exercises at hydro-informatics.com.Graduating students: Are you looking for an exciting Bachelor or Master Thesis? Visit the IWS team website to apply for one of the announcements. Currently, the following topics are waiting for motivated students:
Do you already have an idea for an innovative research graduation project? Contact Sebastian and get your creativity started.

Sebastian focuses on the hybrid modeling of hydraulic systems and their multi-dimensional connectivity with data-driven techniques powered by Python algorithms, fieldwork, lab experiements, and numerical model optimization. The full record of his scientific works is available at ORCID.org and here is a list of selected papers:
- Schwindt, Meisinger, Negreiros, Schneider, Nowak, 2024. Transfer learning achieves high recall for object classification in fluvial environments with limited data. Geomorphology 455. doi: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2024.109185
- Schalko/Ponce, Lassar, Schwindt, Haun, Nepf, 2024. Flow and Turbulence Due To Wood Contribute to Declogging of Gravel Bed. Geophysical Research Letters 52(1). doi: 10.1029/2023GL107507
- Mouris, Schwindt, Pesci, Wieprecht, Haun, 2023. An interdisciplinary model chain quantifies the footprint of global change on reservoir sedimentation. Scientific Reports (Nature Portfolio) 13(1). doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-47501-1
- Schwindt, Negreiros, Ponce, Schalko, Lassar, Barros, Haun, 2023. Fuzzy-logic indicators for riverbed de-clogging suggest ecological benefits of large wood. Ecological Indicators 155. doi: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2023.111045
- Schwindt, Negreiros, Mudiaga-Ojemu, Hassan, 2023. Meta-analysis of a large bedload transport rate dataset. Geomorphology 435. doi: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2023.108748
- Negreiros, Aybar Galdos, Seitz, Noack, Schwindt, Wieprecht, Haun, 2023. A multi-parameter approach to quantify riverbed clogging and vertical hyporheic connectivity. River Research and Applications. doi: 10.1002/rra.4145
- Schwindt, Callau, Mouris, Beckers, Haun, Nowak, Wieprecht, Oladyshkin, 2023. Bayesian calibration points to misconceptions in three-dimensional hydrodynamic reservoir modeling. Water Resources Research. doi: 10.1029/2022WR033660
- Mouris, Acuna Espinosa, Schwindt, Mohammadi, Haun, Wieprecht, Oladyshkin, 2023. Stability criteria for Bayesian calibration of reservoir sedimentation models. Modeling Earth Systems and Environment. doi: 10.1007/s40808-023-01712-7
- Mouris, Schwindt, Haun, Wieprecht, 2022. Introducing seasonal snow memory into the RUSLE. Journal of Soils and Sediments. doi: 10.1007/s11368-022-03192-1
- Diaz-Gomez, Pasternack, Guillon, Byrne, Schwindt, Larrieu, Sandoval-Solis, 2022. Mapping subaerial sand-gravel-cobble fluvial sediment facies using airborne lidar and machine learning. Geomorphology 401, 108106. doi: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2021.108106
- Negreiros, Schwindt, Haun, Wieprecht, 2021.Fuzzy Map Comparisons Enable Objective Hydro-morphodynamic Model Validation. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. doi: 10.1002/esp.5285
- Larrieu, Pasternack, Schwindt, 2020. Automated analysis of lateral river connectivity and fish stranding risks-Part 1: Review, theory and algorithm. Ecohydrology 14(2). doi:10.1002/eco.2268
- Moldenhauer-Roth, Piton, Schwindt, Jafarnejad, Schleiss, 2021. Design of sediment detention basins: scaled model experiments and application. International Journal of Sediment Research. doi:10.1016/j.ijsrc.2020.07.007
- Schwindt, Larrieu, Pasternack, Rabone, 2020. River Architect. SoftwareX 11. doi: 10.1016/j.softx.2020.100438 | Download (open access)
- Schwindt, Pasternack, Bratovich, Rabone, Simodynes, 2019. Hydro-morphological parameters generate lifespan maps for stream restoration management. Journal of Environmental Management 232, 475-489. doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2018.11.010
- Schwindt, Franca, Reffo, Schleiss, 2018. Sediment traps with guiding channel and hybrid check dams improve controlled sediment retention. Natural Hazards and Earth System Science 18, 647-668. doi: 10.5194/nhess-18-647-2018 | Download (open access)
- Schwindt, Franca, Schleiss, 2017. Effects of lateral and vertical constrictions on flow in rough steep channels with bedload. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 143 (12), 04017052-1-12. doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)HY.1943-7900.0001389
- Schwindt, Franca, De Cesare, Schleiss, 2017. Analysis of mechanical-hydraulic deposition control measures. Geomorphology 295, 467–479. doi: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2017.07.020
Codes, research algorithms, and Python packages from Sebastian are mostly hosted on GitHub along with detailed docs. The following Python packages and programs are available (among others):
- FlussTools: A Python3 package for river analyses, including geo-spatial analyst functions, numerical model uncertainty assessments (fuzzy set based), lidar data processing tools, and database tweaks for the application of plants in restoration science. Sebastian maintains this repository together with former and current undergrad and grad students.
- River Architect: A Python-based back-end tool for river design and habitat enhancement with an extensive Wiki.
- Open Science: A repository that links to data and codes of Sebastian s PhD research.
Awards and Distinctions
Sebastian is currently mainly working on the following projects:
Finalized scientific and other projects (some of them...):
- The MITs MISTI Germany: A global seed fund targeting the initiation of international collaboration. This project is a collaboration between the Nepf lab at MIT, its research affiliate Isabella Schalko, and the IWS to promote the vertical connectivity of the hyporheic zone.
- DIRT-X: Delivery Impacts on Reservoirs in changing climaTe and society aCROSS scales and sectors.
- Numerical modeling of a 31-km river stretch bypassing a hydropower plant at the Inn River (Germany).
- Best available science analysis of Habitat Enhancement of the lower Yuba River (with University of California, Davis, USA)
- Expertise for the revitalization of the Arbogne River, Fribourg, Switzerland
- Physical modelling optimization of a filter check dam at the Drance, Martigny, VS, Switzerland
- Rivermanagement: Sediment and habitat dynamics in Switzerland
- Restoration of the pumped storage hydropower plant Happurg, Germany
- Physical model of the Rhône at Massongex for the installation of a run-of-river hydropower plant
- Preparation of the feasibility study for the Isimba hydropower plant in Uganda
Get more information or start a new project by sending an inquiry (see contact options in the Outreach section).Outreach
Find tutorials and short videos zooming into water resources and numerical tools also on Sebastian's @hydroinformatics (Hydro-Morphodynamics) channel on YouTube.
Read Sebastian in the Ecohydraulics community blog at https://ecohydraulics.org, where he also is a site admin.
For contact options visit iws.uni-stuttgart.de or check out social media like Linkedin and ResearchGate.